Editor’s Note: This little bit first appeared October 3, 2011.
Last night after my bath I could tell I wore my mom out in the whole long day we had. I couldn’t help it I had extra lots of energy and she did not. So I said You waited a long time to have me and you got the very best kid. Because she’s an old lady mom. She lade down on the bed and I thought she was crying. She wasn’t. She was laughing. Now I know what to say if I tire her all out.
Editor’s Note: This little bit first appeared June 20, 2011.
At school we can’t say bad words. When someone says a bad word, other kids say Aw you said a bad word! And then tell the teacher. I get tired of that. I say Hey listen sometimes you just have to say a bad word. It’s no big deal. Get over it. Move on.
Editor’s Note: This little bit first appeared June 6, 2011.
Sometimes I want things to happen a certain way and they don’t. I get upset and frustrated and can’t get out of it. I want to but I just can’t do it. My mom says take a breath. Calm down. I just can’t get out of my mood. So I like to say “I don’t like your reaction!” My mom says whose? I say yours! She says what? I say never mind boo tee ko. This helps because I crack myself up.
Editor’s Note: This post first appeared November 24, 2010.
When you’re a kid everyone asks you what’s your favorite color. This is a silly question. There are too many colors to choose from. Like it is fighting over green yellow and black. Because I like all of them even other colors. I like black because it’s dark. If you press hard it looks dark and nice and pretty. I press my pencil hard to get that color. I like green because it’s so shiny and my tongue is green right now because I got a green lollipop. I like yellow because it’s so bright. I like violet because I can mix violet with dark blue and make dark violet or mix violet with light blue and make light violet. I don’t like pink because I’m a girl. I like it because when I think of red I think of a pinkish red and that reminds me of pink. I like red because you need it to make brown. When you look at paintings you see the colors you like. Vincent van gogh has a painting Starry Night and I see green yellow black and violet. Mommy sees green yellow and blue. Maybe because I don’t like blue as much as violet.
Editor’s Note: This post first appeared September 27, 2010, when its author, Sophia, was five years old. This week we will celebrate Sophia’s contributions to B2L2 by re-running five of her greatest hits.
Once upon a time, there was a swamp with turtles, and sometimes, there were elephants and hippopatumuses. They went for a good swim and bath, and there was a forest with toucans, and in that forest, there was a bear. The scientists they were named Lucy, Evelyn, Donis, William, Max, and Will, and Wildum, and Sanarial, and Abador, and Doresel, and Karsee, and Sassy, and Rassy Golden, and Forseel, Sackle, Seekle, and Ceila, and Crass, Losa, Riles Pez, and Kraze, Grace, and Kriz.
One day, they went in the rainforest where toucans and macaws were, and one day, when they were in the rainforest, those twenty-three scientists discovered that if you chop down all the trees, then there would be no homes or trees. And it would be just desert.
- Anthony Davis trademarked his unibrow phrases. Here is one of his phrases: raise the brow. So I decided to trademark the word gutter – it means better in my version. Here is one of my phrases: it’s much gutter in the shade than the sun.
- Another one of my phrases is: ROAR!! It does not need much sleep!!!! (By “It” I mean “me”) I like to point at myself and say: IT does NOT need much sleep.
- Fiction is boring right now. Non-fiction is gutter. Science is really gutter.
This is a subject I think about again and again. Girly girl, girl who likes boy stuff or what my mom told me is a tom boy, girl, boy, whatever. I wonder why girls and boys like the stuff they like and if they are happy to be that way. Or is someone telling them what to like and what to be? I like to do so many things so I was thinking what am I? Here is my poem answer.
So I said You waited a long time to have me and you got the very best kid. Because she’s an old lady mom.
Why do they call it poison ivy when the only thing that happens to you is you itch and swell up a little.
Why do you have a middle name if you never use it?
My gift was rapped in pink paper and Leah’s was too. The others got green or blue. I can’t remember what color they got but it was not pink. Will you be surprised to know they were boys? I wouldn’t. I wanted the green I really did.