Why do you have a middle name if you never use it? When people say my whole name I want them to say ALL OF IT even my middle name. My mom said I could hyphenate it so then people will say it all. I said let’s do it. She said it will be a big hassel. We will have to go to the social security office. I said I’m not scared. Then the next day a boy in my class said his name is Dylan in William followed by his last name which my mom said I can’t post. I never heard of that being in a name. That word “in.” Now I am thinking about putting “in” in my name. I’m going to change it so why not. Sophia in. I can’t post it all still but imagine it.
Some people have star power with one name that everybody knows: Madonna, Elvis, Cher, Gaga, Divine, Liberace, Meatloaf. Then there are the two-namers: Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Vanilla Ice, Don Johnson. The three-namers are a wily bunch: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Anthony Michael Hall, David Lee Roth, Sarah Michelle Gellar. I gave Bob Johnson two names because I thought it was about time a dog had two names. I think it has helped his self-esteem. Three names for a dog is probably too much.
Our cats all have the same surname: Cat. So they’re Man Cat, Oshi Cat, and Tabby Cat. Man Cat we sometimes call Man Cat Johnson (no relation to Bob Johnson) because we like the way it sounds but that’s not his official name.
I should clarify.
I’m the only one who sometimes calls him Man Cat Johnson. Further, I most frequently call him Sir Crock A Lot (he’s the most insistent cat about being fed).
Dedra sometimes calls him Old Man; most frequently she calls him Crankenfuss; and on occasion she has been heard to call him a cuss word.
Ghita sticks with Man Cat.
Okay, first this. I am okay now with just my 2 names. That was a long time ago when I wrote that.
Mr. John, who are all those people? I only heard of Elvis.
My cats have oo at the end of their names. Penny Poo. Sadie Soo.
We have a stray cat now who comes to our house. He is a nice boy. First I named him Mr. Tabby Paws Max Ghosty. Then my dad was asking my mom what should we call him. He said how about Ray? My mom said that sounds like an old man’s name. Then I said hey I know! He looks like Alice Cooper to me. So now he is Mr. Tabby Paws Max Ghosty Alice Cooper Cool Cat. Just there’s no oo.
Mr. Derek, I know Cairo’s name. It has to be Cairo Dog.
Meat Loaf is actually a two-namer. I made it into one word, but it’s supposed to be two. He’s an actor and singer, Sophia. The rest of ’em are also actors and singers, except for Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time, who is rocking a really freaky mustache right now, unless he’s shaved it off.