Kim Pereira
12 Min Read

In 1985 when I was living in Bahrain I watched all seven games of the World Series between the Cardinals and the Royals without knowing anything about baseball.  I still don’t know why or how I made it through the series for I watched it…

Kim Pereira
5 Min Read

I was in our living room in Bombay on September 11, 2001, having arrived 4 days earlier from the UK after two weeks of traipsing around Wales and Snowdonia and parts of Northern France and Belgium with my cousin in her cabriolet with the top…

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Kim Pereira
4 Min Read

Did it start with Survivor as we watched participants form and renegotiate partnerships and alliances to ensure their survival at the expense of the “others,” until they became “the others?” Or the auditions of countless hapless performers laying bare their misguided souls to win a…
