When I’m in the car and I’m hungry and there’s nothing to eat, I always have my fingernails. Yum yum!
I like snakes. I like worms. I like to look at all the creatures my cat Penny kills.
I can’t figure out time. When did a cave man live? Way before grandma and grandpa?
Memory is such a boring word, but remembry sounds frenchy and exercises your mouth. Re-mem-bree. Say it out loud. Isn’t it fun? You know it is.
I like to change how I say things because I’m older now.
My mom asked me what I like about taking violin lessons.
One day my grandma was watching me when I had spring break and my mom and dad had to work. I wanted to go down to the pool and shoot hoops in the parking lot. Grandma said it was too hot. That made me upset.
In one month I will be a first grader.
I saw a man in a store wearing a pink shirt.
My mom read one of my old poems in my poetry journal and said That’s bizarre. It…
Have you seen Bob Ross painting? I saw his show and he is so cool! I like…
At school we can’t say bad words. When someone says a bad word, other kids say Aw…
Gabby a girl in my gymnastics class said you can’t be my friend if you don’t talk…