
3 Articles

Geoscientist, Project Gutenberg adviser, Back Of Town publisher, Green Bay Packers fan. Break down the bars of ignorance and illiteracy.

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1 Min Read

And if sometimes I can’t seem to talk You’ll know this blackboard lacks A piece of chalk — Stan Ridgeway in Don’t Box Me In “This is why I haven’t written. I can’t. Not without losing the thread, without going off kilter. I can’t talk…

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1 Min Read

As a kid, I was fascinated with the tales of the ten avatars of the Hindu god Vishnu. Brahma creates, Siva destroys and Vishnu is the man in the middle who preserves, he keeps the universe going. According to Hindu mythology, there are ten times…

1 Min Read

  “Poor C, she isn’t made for this city.” “Hmph, neither am I.” “You two, you are of a place. My brother and me were raised to live anywhere. Houston reminds me of Kuwait City in so many ways.” “Yeah? How so?” “Both exist because…
