
3 Articles

Kefuoe (which means gift in Sotho) was given her name while serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Lesotho. Since that time, she’s lived in Kenya and Guyana, but she always comes home to New Orleans eventually. She currently lives in London, where she splits her time between supporting international women’s health programs and trying to stay warm.

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Some of my friends and family members think that it must be very hard to be an American-raised woman living in a developing country. They are right, but often for all the wrong reasons. Here’s a partial list of the things that they seem to…

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A recent public opinion poll shows that most adults feel that there were three important gaps in their education: financial literacy, public speaking, and compassion. Okay, it wasn’t a poll so much as me sending out an email to my friends asking them what they…

1 Min Read

At about two in the afternoon last Wednesday, a guy was murdered in the town of Woolwich in southeast London. The murder was particularly grisly and not the kind of news I normally follow, but I’d been through Woolwich for the first time on the…
