Bob Hate

35 Articles

Bob was a rock and roll musician who had a failed career playing in clubs in and around Dallas, Texas. He was born in Bossier City, Louisiana in 1958, but then disappeared and was rumored dead in 1999 and later in 2014.

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Bob Hate
1 Min Read

Lenny calls from the airport. “Brother, there’s no one left to hold my hand.” I hear what sounds like slot machines in the background. “Arcade,” Lenny says. “I can be in Tucson by morning,” he says. I flip a coin in my imaginary mind. “Better…

Bob Hate
1 Min Read

Professor: Dr. Richard Hate Office: McMillan Hall, Room 302 Hours: Mon & Fri 11-1 Class Time: Wed 2:30-5:45 pm. Reading List: Truth & Pity, Richard Hate, Random House, 1999; Panic & Mastery, Richard Hate, LSU Press, 2002; Avarice & Dissent, Dustcover Books, 2009; Courage, Richard…
