
47 Articles

TomT will be posting under his real name here (at least part of it), in spite of the fact that this site already seems to be crammed-full of Toms. He is a suburban husband and dad doing Union work within public education in the Chicago area. Once in a great while he also posts diaries under the name “Skitters” on Daily Kos, and—during football season—he does his best to chronicle the dark history of a fairly-vicious fantasy league.

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Photo credit: Gabriela Camerotti Displaced Aggression League Report — Week 13 TEAM OWNER SECRETS: Whose 7th grade obsession with serial killers resulted in a trip to the Guidance Counselor’s office after turning in a Language Arts project featuring a collection of meticulously-crafted dioramas with titles such…

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*Question: Who spends his Friday afternoons loading up on free food samples while ogling female shoppers at the local Whole Foods, which he crassly refers to as “the land of MILFs and honey”?

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Displaced Aggression League Report – Week 8 The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But, he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don’t listen. Remember that, do not listen….

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Displaced Aggression League Report – Week 7  And the Goddess spoke, saying; Drink not the foul brew of empathy. For what use are eyes without bearing witness to your opponent’s spoliation?  What use are ears without the sound of their wailing lamentations?  Drink Ye instead…

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Displaced Aggression League Report – Week 6 May God reward them well for the slighting of me.  –Mother Murphy’s Compendium of 1001 Sardonic Irish Curses, #364 Week 6 opened with the 2nd place Duestakers losing to Hellfire Club, and bringing both teams to rest in…

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Displaced Aggression League Report: Week 5 The ESPN Oracle has been around for a very, very long time.  It was here long before the time of the Dingobros-dynasty, and even before the Gridiron Goddess first came to cast down the Old Gods and begin her…

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Displaced Aggression League Report — Week 3 In fantasy sports, as in life, it’s usually best to start with the bad news first.  And – setting aside the injustice perpetrated by scab officials on Monday night – in our little corner of the world that…

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LEAGUE REPORT — WEEK 2 In the same year . . .there was a Scottish man, and uplandish fellow named Trisiticloke, spared not to steal children, and to kill women, on whose flesh he fed, as if he had been a wolf. –Holinshed’s Chronicles of England,…

8 Min Read

It wasn’t so long ago that we, as a society, were part of a worldwide consensus that defines torture and deems it morally and legally unacceptable. That was obviously before 9/11 and the ensuing cultural panic, which – as most of us are realizing fairly…

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Editor’s Note: This post first appeared October 27, 2010.

Displaced Aggression League Report — Week 7

This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Take off the turban, remove the crown. It will not be as it was: The lowly will be exalted and the exalted will be brought low. A ruin! A ruin! I will make it a ruin! — Ezekiel 21:26

Like a slow-orbiting comet or the McRib sandwich, truly epic upsets don’t come around very often; and when they do, it’s an occasion worth noting with appropriate solemnity.

3 Min Read

Displaced Aggression League Report — Weeks 4 and 5 Week 4 came and went like an unclean prostitute in the night, leaving many team owners awash in self-loathing and regret; Few made it through untainted.  And although ESPN’s projections would have us believe otherwise, several…
