This is a subject I think about again and again.  Girly girl, girl who likes boy stuff or what my mom told me is a tom boy, girl, boy, whatever.  I wonder why girls and boys like the stuff they like and if they are happy to be that way.   Or is someone telling them what to like and what to be?   I like to do so many things so I was thinking what am I?  Here is my poem answer.

Free Girl


The first thing

I always want to do

is go to an open field

and just run.


I am not an ordinary


I want to call myself.

I am different

and I

do not care.


I am just being

my own




That is just the way

I am.

That is what I call




About the Author


Sophia is an artist. She designs books and handfans. And she rides her bike really fast with no training wheels.

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