Tom Long

40 Articles

Tom Long is one-third of the seldom heard Chicago band The Ethyl Mermen. The name Tom Long can be found in the dictionary, Baseball Encyclopedia and a pub in Ireland. Tom Long is not affiliated with any other Tom Long; he won the rights to use his own name after prevailing in a three-way game of Jan-ken-pon by choosing "dynamite!" No Toms were harmed in the making of this blog.

Tom Long
3 Min Read

“This is an important message from NCO Financial…”

That is about as much of the robo-message I listen to before hitting the delete button on the answering machine. Then I pause for a moment to think to myself that this is a really stupid way to try to collect on a bad debt.

Before you get the wrong idea, I am not a deadbeat. That is my girlfriend.

Tom Long
3 Min Read

The music industry has been dying. So what? People will still make music. And what we’ve been spoon-fed by commercial radio and the celebrity hype machine won’t be missed.

There is an inverted relationship between the number of units a band sells and how much I enjoy them. It is more the rule than the exception. I don’t say this as an elitist music snob, but as someone who truly loves seeing a band up close instead of a Jumbotron.
