G Bitch

38 Articles

a mad black woman in New Orleans

G Bitch
4 Min Read

5 Years Later

  • The opening prayer oddly asked God to still or help instill “self-control” and “punctuality” in the students under discussion, and he was not talking about Holy Name or Lusher.
  • Asher’s teacher-blaming started from her opening words–that the children haven’t failed, it’s that “adults have failed to teach” them.
  • Guttierrez calling the RSD the “ultimate accountability” body was rich considering recent news.
G Bitch
2 Min Read

cross-posted at The G Bitch Spot See Teachers’ Unions or Teachers’ Unions? for Canada’s answer to Colbert’s question. from Ultimate $uperpower: Supersized dollars drive Waiting for Superman agenda Board of Trustees, HARLEM CHILDREN’S ZONE Geoffrey Canada, President and CEO Stan Druckenmiller, Chairman, is the President,…

G Bitch
1 Min Read

cross-posted at The G Bitch Spot

G Bitch to Sixth District NOPD: I live on the street where the shooting was Sunday and there’s a bullet in my neighbor’s wall.

Sixth District to G Bitch: Well, the scene has already been processed so we don’t need it but if your neighbor needs something, like for insurance or something, she can call and have an officer come out to write a report. All right?

G Bitch
3 Min Read

cross-posted at The G Bitch Spot

Ravitch responds to the outcome of the DC mayoral race, one frequently called a referendum on Michelle Rhee, and the narratives generated about the outcome and the recent charter movement’s main narrative. [Which she neatly sums up at the end–read all the way through for the full effect]

In the closing days of the Fenty campaign, [Rhee] went to the districts where Fenty had his strongest support—the largely white districts in the city’s Northwest section—to rally voters.

G Bitch
2 Min Read

Teaching is fun and joyous but also hard as fucking hell, especially if you give a quarter of a shit, at whatever level you teach. You feel crazy, torn between your instinct and drive to care, push, cajole and scaffold and the occasional need, depending on your circumstances, to distance, withdraw, erect taller boundaries, or just stop for a while.
