Tough to see Samantha Power resign from the Obama campaign (or maybe it’s good to see her go?). I happen to agree with her characterization of Hillary, so I guess it’s clear I’m not cut out for high flying campaign adviser status, either.
The Clinton campaign has already spun it into a money making venture:
Dear ,
Just one day after Senator Obama promised to begin attacking Hillary, a senior Obama advisor has called her a “monster.”
That’s right — a “monster.”
At the same time, Senator Obama’s aides have begun rehashing the old negative attacks of the 90’s against Hillary.
This is not the politics of hope — it’s the usual attack style politics that we have seen time and time again.
And it must stop.
Only you can make that happen. A small contribution now — even as little as $5 — will show the Obama campaign that there is a price to this kind of attack politics.
Make a contribution to stop the Obama attacks.
What caught my eye was the “even as little as $5” point. They should’ve just said, “No donation is too small.” It reminded me of Obama’s favorite donation:
I think of that elderly woman who sent me a contribution the other day, a money order for three dollars and one cent, along with a verse of scripture tucked inside the envelope. So don’t tell me change isn’t possible. That woman knows that change is possible.
There you have it: Hillary would’ve refused that little old lady’s donation because it was too small and because she doesn’t want change. Of any kind.
Maybe I could be a high flying campaign strategist …
HRC’s campaign has become one of victimhood. If somebody called Obama a monster, which nobody would, off the record, in Scotland, we’d never hear about it. But HRC’s eyes and ears are open. Claiming abuse whether it exists or not is the last best hope she has. It’s depressing as hell–if we buy into her campaign strategy, then to be a woman is to be abused and to be abused means that you deserve to be president bc a vote against you is further evidence of abuse. Geez. That’s monstrous.