I know I’m one of the only Chicagoans paying attention to the Stanley Cup finals this year…
It says something about a fighter’s character when his immediate reaction to being handed his first defeat in 27 professional bouts is to say that he’s thankful that no one was injured. Those were the first words out of the mouth of a still-stunned Andre Berto, upon hearing the judges unanimously award his WBC Welterweight title to the younger phenom, Victor Ortiz. While words like class, grace, and dignity start springing to mind when you hear something like that, Berto’s other post-fight comments quickly brought him back down to earth; he rationalized the loss by claiming that he “felt off,” and said “that wasn’t me in there.”
(Originally posted at Skundered!) I got hit with a double-dose of boxing disappointment last weekend: I missed…
Barely underway for four hours now, the Insert-Hyperbolic-Name-Here Blizzard of 2011 is already having deleterious effects on both of Chicago’s baseball teams.
On the north side, the Tribune’s “Chicago Weather Center” page reports early damage to the Home of the Cubs:
A section Wrigley Field’s roof was blown off shortly after 6PM. Some of the debris landed in the intersection of Addison and Clark. Police are attempting to clean up the debris.
Displaced Aggression — Final League Report A hush fell over the northwest suburbs on Sunday, as Dingobros…
Displaced Aggression League Report — Playoff Week 1
Round 1 saw our little corner of the world turned topsy-turvy, as the three top-seeded teams and a former champion/perennial spoiler were pitilessly eradicated by an assortment of malicious Cinderellas. In the end, grief counselors had to be bused in, and our League’s brightest and best were reduced to pointing out exactly where on the doll their opponents had touched them.
Displaced Aggression League Report — Week 10
An Irish friend once shared the story of a neighbor who went to a pub to see a girl he was seriously smitten with. He downed pint after pint to steady his nerves as he waited for her to arrive, and when she finally did, he barfed all over himself while trying to ask her out. As my friend sadly put it, the young man was skundered.
Displaced Aggression League Report — Week 8 There’s not much to say about what happened in Our…
–Alert Level ORANGE— Displaced Aggression Team Owners, Please be advised: In response to heavy and extreme negativity…
Displaced Aggression League Report — Week 7
This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Take off the turban, remove the crown. It will not be as it was: The lowly will be exalted and the exalted will be brought low. A ruin! A ruin! I will make it a ruin! — Ezekiel 21:26
Like a slow-orbiting comet or the McRib sandwich, truly epic upsets don’t come around very often; and when they do, it’s an occasion worth noting with appropriate solemnity.
League Report — Week 5
A terrible wailing reverberated across Our Beloved League in Week 5 as the Gridiron Goddess wept and screamed for a sacrifice, sending shivers of horror through the seven teams jockeying for dominance at 3-1. And, although each of us knew that the awful Reaping must eventually begin, no one wanted to be one of the several goats that it took to finally satisfy her.
League Report – Week 4 Recent estimates put the cost of dementia within the developed world at…
Colorado Rockies catcher Miguel Olivo: With his team trailing 5-1 in the 8th inning, the Colorado backstop…