Harry Alonzo Longabaugh was born on April 19, 1868, in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.
Henri-Robert-Marcel Duchamp was born July 28, 1887, in Blainville, France.
Longabaugh (AKA the Sundance Kid) was the third son of Josiah and Annie Longabaugh.
Duchamp (who created for himself a feminine alter ego, Rrose Selavy) was the third son of Eugene and Lucie Duchamp.
Longabaugh joined the Phoenixville Literary Society in 1882.
Duchamp became a full member of the Paris Autumn Salon in 1910.
After a brief journey that took him to Philadelphia, New York City, and Boston, the 14-year-old Longabaugh boarded a train headed west.
After obtaining his baccalaureate from the Bousset School in Rouen, Duchamp moved to Paris. Following a year of mandatory military service, he rejoined his bohemian circle in Paris.
In February 1889, Thomas Moonlight, governor of the Territory of Wyoming, pardoned Longabaugh, noting that the 20-year-old horse thief showed “an earnest desire to reform.”
In June 1921, Duchamp made a strong impression on Dada kingpin Andre Breton, who credited him with an “elegance of the most fatal sort.”