TomT will be posting under his real name here (at least part of it), in spite of the fact that this site already seems to be crammed-full of Toms. He is a suburban husband and dad doing Union work within public education in the Chicago area. Once in a great while he also posts diaries under the name “Skitters” on Daily Kos, and—during football season—he does his best to chronicle the dark history of a fairly-vicious fantasy league.
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Fantastic! If you see my pals Scout and Jude from First Draft, tell ’em I said hello.
Are we going to get a full report?
Thanks, liprap. I had to google First Draft, and I loved your friends’reports on the situation.
And Jimmy, this whole thing is both heart-wrenching and inspiring. I had the privilege of helping the teachers and support staff of a large southeastern WI school district process their response to this situation earlier in the week and I’ve been to Madison twice since then. You should check out First Draft on what’s going on in WI. I also wanted to share this link to Mother Jones on the Koch brothers’ role in the attack on what’s left of the organized middle class in that state.
I would add that I heard a report from a state agency on the radio last night that put the crowd at 70,000, so it’s plausible–if not probable–that the number was actually significantly larger.
There is also an important update today (also noted at First Draft)regarding support from the Super Bowl champs — but I’m going to post that separately to avoid doing my usual violence to the formating in comments.
my god maeve is tall!
Outside agitators!