0 189
Tom Long
4 Min Read

Screaming is an under appreciated art form. For one thing, it’s hard to do. Try it. Go lock yourself in the bathroom, close the windows, turn on the fan and start yelling.

It’s not easy to let it all out without feeling self conscious. It takes confidence to be naked and raw. Or, as is the case with many a writer, liquid courage gets the job done.

5 586
13 Min Read

I had heard this song long before ever moving to New Orleans, as I am a HUGE Louis Jordan fan: Basically, it details the trials of man locked out of his apartment who, knowing that his roommate, Richard, is inside, begins beating on the door…

1 223
1 Min Read

As a kid, I was fascinated with the tales of the ten avatars of the Hindu god Vishnu. Brahma creates, Siva destroys and Vishnu is the man in the middle who preserves, he keeps the universe going. According to Hindu mythology, there are ten times…

2 611
Sam Jasper
13 Min Read

Upon hearing the verdict in the Trayvon Martin case tonight I found myself in tears in a public place among very young people who apparently had not heard the news. I found myself crying on a bench in a local bar that I frequent and figured all the youngsters were looking at me thinking me an oldster given to maudlin moods for no apparent reason. Or maybe it was just dementia.

1 170
Gerald Cannon
2 Min Read

Some of you may remember the initial post about my friend Buddy being poisoned with Agent Orange in Vietnam. More collateral damage care of our government. Lovely euphemism, eh? Just between us, it usually means someone gets killed as a by-product of waging war.

Sadly, I now write a follow-up to that post.
