From a cryptic PowerPoint slide recently created by my wife’s cat Pearl:
She also chimed in (arguably improved) on some dialogue I was attempting to write:
“I’m tellin’ you, man,” Ralph said,”They were in there humpin’ like a couplea apes!”
“Get thy66\]90509e fszxZA ,,,,,,ty;p= nbbsd\
909.90outa here,”
9¿¿ vc0oz
BNH \U’ U’
Pearl has a knack for activating the Windows Narrator function and then locking my keyboard, so that Steven Hawking’s voice announces every keystroke while I try to undo the damage. Most of the time I believe that she’s just drawn to the heat given off by my laptop, but on bad nights I can’t supress the suspicion that she may be trying to communicate the kind of dark secrets that only felines can handle — a slippery slope of letters and symbols that threaten to pull the human mind toward madness and despair.
Still, I wish I knew how to make those upside down question marks.
The up-side-down question marks are made by depressing alt and typing the numbers 168. Don’t know the cat pulled it off without thumbs, though.
Thanks for the tip, Jimmy. And thank God this cat doesn’t have thumbs — she’s got the temperament of a discourteous driver and would probably stab me in my sleep.