I noticed today there’s a new blog out there with a name very similar to an esteemed local blog. Take a look:
At least the two blogs seem politically compatible. They’re both smarties, but The G Spot is clearly more wonkish, while The G Bitch Spot has a far more distinctive voice. G Spot is in Chicago, G Bitch is in New Orleans (and once lived in Chicago). G Spot likes 19th century novels, while G Bitch goes for 20th-21st century (she’s read those 19th century books too). G Spot has pet dogs, G Bitch has a daughter and cats. Both disappoint the many eyeballs who find them through dirty Google searches.
Although G Bitch may not have any friends at glossy websites linking to her and spiking her readership, my money is on her if there’s some sort of blogger death match between them.
Dude! When’s the showdown? I’ll be puttin’ my money on the NOLAn. Damn straight.
I notice that “G-Spot” posted her first entry in March 2008. Not cool at all. I volunteer for the showdown. Doubtless, though, G-Bitch can do the TKO alone, one handed, while simulaneously researching a real issue and cooking a vegan meal.
I think wonks must not value originality or creativity very much … if someone else had had a blog named, say, Bark, Bugs, Leaves, and Bitches, I would’ve taken a different name. But that’s just me.
Interesting, after looking at the blog I see that it is very good…yet the design and name are so obviously borrowed. I just don’t understand why that borrowing happened.
Could she not have known of the existence of The G Bitch Spot? I guess she didn’t look around? She should at least give G Bitch a shout-out or s/thing … yeah, it is a good blog … but still.
Well hell yeah. The world abounds with synchronicity but I find it hard to believe that she would have come up with the same name and essentially the same design. That much synchonicity does not abound, unless it’s one of those stories like on Dateline when identical twins separated at birth find out 30-some years later that their husbands do the same job and they use the same shampoo and they both like licorice. But I see no reason to believe that GB has one of those twins. I’m quite disturbed by this twin blog, though.